Sideline Basketball Cheer Tryouts
School Song

Toe Touch, hurdler and pike required for your tryout.
Purple and Gold
Let's Go Arrows (Spirit)
Let's Go Arrows (Spirit)
Arrow Fans, yell our name
Yell W — H - S
W — H - S
Louder now, stomp your feet
Yell our colors, to the beat
Yell Purple — and Gold
Purple — and Gold
All — together now
Yell W — H - S
Purple — and Gold
W — H - S
Purple — and Gold

TRYOUT General Information:
A panel of 3 people will be the judges for your tryout.
You will tryout with a partner.
Order of Tryout: Cheer, School Song, Chant (each person separately), jumps.
You will be judged on skills in jumps, motion technique in cheer and dance, voice in cheer, attitude, grades/attendance, and overall impression.
Hair up off shoulders, no jewelry, no long nails, workout wear and tennis shoes.
Results will be posted on the Arrow Cheer website after the completion of tryouts.