Sideline Basketball and Football Rules/Expectations
Coaching Philosophy
Foster and model a supportive but challenging learning environment that inspires individuals to reach their full potential.
Offer motivation and personalized feedback to ensure each athlete’s success.
Maintain organization and communicate clear, reasonable expectations.
Promote school spirit, respect, self-discipline, sportsmanship, and proper technique
Above all, have fun!
Regular attendance at practice sessions
If you will be late/miss a practice (illness, teacher, Dr., etc) you need to inform the coach the day before the missed/late practice or asap if you leave from school. A fellow cheerleader is NOT to tell coach you are gone or will be late.
Please try to schedule routine dr appointments on days we do not have practice.
Practices will consist of: conditioning, stretching, jumps, learning chants, dances, motion technique
Basketball Cheerleaders:
The cheer squad will no longer travel to away games unless requested by the athletic director.
If we travel, the girls will ride the bus to and from the venue with the team. The coach will decide which girls travel and which stay at the home game.
Two (2) unexcused absences from games will result in dismissal from the team.
Excused: illness, funeral, injury, family emergency
Unexcused: shopping trip, concert, trip/vacation, club sport, work
Other: Will be determined by coach and/or Athletic Director to be excused/unexcused
Cheerleaders must have good attendance at school. If the cheerleader is gone from school on game day, they will NOT cheer at the game that evening.
If attendance and/or tardies at school becomes an issue, the athlete will not be allowed to cheer and may be removed the the cheer squad.
Proper use and return of uniforms and equipment.
Cheerleaders must return all uniforms, pompoms and equipment bags before they will be eligible to receive an award for the season.
Uniforms are property of the Watertown School District. If they are altered, lost, or damaged the cheerleader will be financially responsible for replacing the uniform.
Cheer Shoes
The coach will have some options through Varsity cheer or they may purchase a white cheer shoe on their own. Typically they cost between $70-$100.
White Crop Top
Purple Briefs
*Prices are estimates for all items.
**If the athlete already has any of the items listed from previous years or a competitive program, they do not need to buy new if they are in good condition!
Must maintain grades as set forth by the coaching staff.
If you have a “D” or “F”, you will be given a week to increase your grade. After that time, you will not cheer until grades are at “C” or above.
If you are not cheering due to grades, you will attend the game and sit with the coach.
Proper adherence to all cheerleading rules and guidelines as set by the coach, SDHSAA, and NFHS.
Cheerleaders will be at the game at time set by coach.
Game time is for cheering on the team, not socializing with the crowd or other cheerleaders. You are an ATHLETE!
You are representing Watertown and yourself! Be a good person and athlete.
At the end of each season there is an awards night.
The cheer squad will vote for their peers for Arrow Award and Spirit Award.
A Varsity letter will be given to those that adhere to the rules set forth by the coach, maintain grades, and attend practices and games.
Dismissal from the squad or quitting the squad for any reason will make the individual ineligible for lettering.